San Jose Junior Taiko

The San Jose Junior Taiko program began in 1985 and is the oldest continually running children's taiko program in the country. Serving students from 3rd through 12th grades, the program consists of classes taught by members of San Jose Taiko's professional company who provide young players not only with instruction in taiko but also with opportunities for building creative expression, self-esteem, cultural awareness, and group cooperation. Since its humble beginnings, the Junior Taiko program has grown to over 60 students learning in 5 progressive class levels.

admission to the junior taiko program

Admission is by audition only. Students who are interested in trying out for Junior Taiko must successfully complete the 4-week Audition Class. Those who show the required skill and interest will be invited to join the Junior Taiko Program, which will begin in September 2025. Classes will continue through the school year and will conclude at the Junior Taiko Recital in May, 2026.


$150 + online processing fee. Fees are not refundable or transferable.

July 31; August 7, 14, & 21

Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm

San Jose Taiko studio

Age: 3rd-12th grades during the 2025/26 school year


Q: Who are the instructors?

A: Instructors are SJT staff and/or Performing Members.

Q: My child can’t make it on Thursdays. Do you offer the Audition Class at another time?

A: No, we do not.

Q: Does my child have to take this class if they already have previous taiko experience elsewhere?

A: Yes. All new students must take the Audition Class.

Q: My child took the Audition Class last year and was invited to join the 24/25 Junior Taiko Program but chose not to enroll. If they want to sign up for 25/26 Junior Taiko, do they have to take the Audition Class again?

A: Yes.

Q: Does my child have to attend all four of the Audition Classes?

A: We understand that absences are sometimes unavoidable, but it would be best if your child attended all four classes. If your student misses a class, they will need to learn missed material on their own. Make-up classes will not be offered.

Q: How much at-home practicing will be required?

A: Students should practice at home 3 to 4 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

Q: Do I need to purchase a taiko?

A: No. Students can practice at home on a pillow, phone book, exercise ball, or drum pad. You can also make a simple drum out of a plastic bucket and packing tape. You can see examples here.

Q: What does my child need for this class?

  • Sandpaper - We will give the students a pair of unsanded bachi (taiko drumsticks) at the first class. You will need to purchase sandpaper; the students will sand the bachi at home and take them to all subsequent classes.

  • A bag for your bachi - Bachi bags are available for purchase at the SJT studio. You can use a tube sock or any other bag instead.

  • Clothing appropriate for exercise - Anything your child would wear to gym class is fine.

  • Water bottle - The SJT studio has a water fountain that may be used for filling your water bottle.

Q: How will the Audition Class students be evaluated?

A: Students will be evaluated on the Four Principles of SJT:

  • Musical Technique - Does the student have a sense of rhythm? Can they play on the beat and repeat rhythms correctly?

  • Kata (form) - Does the student have a sense of body awareness? Do they know their right from their left?

  • Ki (energy) - Is the student enthusiastic about playing taiko?

  • Attitude - Can the student pay attention during class? Do they treat the instructors, classmates, and equipment with respect?

Q: If my child gets invited to join Junior Taiko, when will their classes be?

A: Most students are placed in the Level 1 Class, which meets on Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm.

Older students may be placed in the Level 2 class, which meets on Tuesdays, 5:30-6:45pm.

Classes begin after Labor Day 2025. Classes will meet Sept-May (no classes Nov & Dec) and will conclude with the Junior Taiko Recital in mid-May, 2026.

Q: How many of the Audition Class students will be accepted into the Junior Taiko Program?

A: We usually accept 10-14 students.

Q: What are the Junior Taiko class fees?

A: The current fees for 2024/25 are $615 for the Level 1 class and $685 for the Level 2 class. This includes the monthly class fee, new student registration fee, and the recital fee. Fees are subject to change.

Q: What COVID-19 precautions will be taken?

A: It is no longer required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test result or screening for entrance. Masks are optional. Anyone may opt to wear a mask based on your individual comfort level and health needs. Observers are allowed into the SJT studio. SJT will continue to encourage participants, attendees, performers, observers, and instructors to stay home if they’re feeling sick.

Questions? Email meg(at)taiko(dot)org