Public Workshops
You’ve seen San Jose Taiko play – now it’s your turn! Join fellow taiko enthusiasts in learning the basics of SJT’s style in a fun and engaging two and a half-hour workshop. It's more than fun; it’s an opportunity to connect with community, find inspiration in an open and positive environment, and experience the personal empowerment inherent in taiko.
After hearing a brief history of taiko, participants learn a song based on fundamental stance, rhythms, and technique. No taiko experience is necessary, but participants must be at least 15 years old and capable of fairly rigorous physical activity.
Upcoming Public Workshops
All dates and times are subject to change.
2025 Public Workshop dates
TBA in January 2025
Public Workshops are $70 per participant plus processing fees. Enrollment is limited to 15 participants per workshop. Observers are not allowed in the studio.