Issho Ni ("Together")

Issho Ni was written by Karen Morita.

Here is the video for Section A. The kuchishoka can be found HERE. (You can see other songs we practiced by clicking on the tabs at the bottom.) Reminder that you can change the speed of the video by clicking on the little flower wheel icon on the bottom right.

Here’s a video to practice Dongo or Swing Ji patterns - Dongo, Dongo tsuku and Dongo Kara. They are based on Roy Drills, which are drills that you just follow to and copy the sticking (rights and lefts) as well as the speed. It may get faster than you can play, but try to stay relaxed and keep playing without stopping! This drill was developed by Roy Hirabayashi, one of the founders of San Jose Taiko. We revisit a version of the drill often for fundamentals.